Benefits Of Waxing Body Hair
As spring continues warm up Petaluma, and summer weather rapidly approaches, you may find yourself wondering what the best hair removal option for you is. As technology advances, more and more options are becoming available. Despite this variety, however, waxing remains one of the most popular options.
When most people think of waxing, they think of pain. Surprisingly, though, waxing can actually be less painful than other options, such as shaving. It is also a long-term solution to hair removal. If this still isn’t enough to convince you, here is a list of the top benefits of waxing.
Long Term Results
If shaving is your current go-to for hair removal, you may find yourself having to shave every other day or sometimes even daily. This can be time-consuming, and it can actually damage your skin. Unlike shaving, which simply trims the lengths of the hair, waxing removes the hair at the root. This means that you only have to wax every few weeks as opposed to multiple times in a single week. This makes waxing more time – and cost – efficient as opposed to shaving.
Less Painful
You read that right! Waxing can actually be less painful than shaving. This is due to the fact that shaving is a one-time shock that quickly ebbs away while shaving repeatedly damages the skin through irritation, razor bumps, and the occasional knick. Waxing also rarely itches after the process is finished, leaving you to enjoy your smooth skin without discomfort.
Smoother Skin
Since waxing is relatively damage-free, your skin doesn’t have to suffer any of the nasty post-shaving complications of rashes or razor bumps. This allows you to enjoy smoother skin immediately. Also, since waxing removes the hair from the very source, it grows back smoothly. Shaving cuts the hair at an angle, causing it to grow through an awkward phase of stubbly roughness. With shaving, your time to enjoy the smoothness of your legs is short-lived, as sometimes the hair can grow back within a day.
Cost Effective
When compared to options like laser hair removal, waxing is defiantly the more budget-friendly choice. With the rise of DIY wax kits that you can easily use at home, you can have permanent hair removal at the fraction of a cost. Waxing is also cheaper in comparison to shaving as you won’t need all the supplies – razor, shaving cream, etc – that shaving involves. Wax kits are a one-time purchase every 3 to 6 weeks.
Final Thoughts
Waxing for the first time can seem an intimidating task, however, with our professional touch you will find your skin singing with smoothness. Schedule your appointment today at Laura Skin Care, where our gentle touch and low temperature wax will put you at ease.