Artificial Sweeteners and Your Skin
Though they might seem like the better alternative to sugars put directly in your food and beverages, artificial sweeteners can come with some serious problems to your health. One problem in particular has been the damage they can do to your skin. From acne to facial scars to hormonal imbalances that change the texture of your skin, artificial sweeteners might be the root cause.
Blood Sugar Levels
An artificial sweetener confuses the body’s metabolic processes and can affect your insulin levels. Artificial sweeteners do not allow your pancreas and your insulin response to work properly and you can end up overloading your body with too much of it. This limits your body’s ability to recognize and properly deal with the carbohydrates that you consume, which will in turn, affect your blood sugar level and all other reactions that come after that.
If your insulin levels are being confused and not working properly, this will cause the hormones in your body to also respond at inappropriate times and they will become imbalanced. Certain hormones, like your natural testosterone and cortisol, regulate your acne production on your skin. When your insulin and your hormones go out of whack because of the dangerous effects of artificial sweeteners, you can end up developing a severe case of acne and not even know why.
Paradoxical Sugar Increase
You should take caution when drinking things like diet soda, eating splenda or any other artificial sweetener. It might seem counter intuitive to cut down on the artificial sweets, as you are trying to lower your sugar intake and an alternative would be the safest bet, right? But artificial sweeteners come at a cost. They trick and change your metabolic responses which affects your body’s ability to regulate itself at normal function. On top of developing skin conditions, you might also face being diagnosed with diabetes and weight gain. Not to mention they also affect your internal organs and how they work together inside of your body. Which can cause you to not feel these negative changes for many years.
The Best Option For Your Skin And Body
It is best to eat things that produce natural sugar, in limited quantities. Sweet fruits, like berries and apples, are fresh, natural and filling. They contain less sugar than even your morning cup of coffee! If you do find that you are suffering from unexplained acne or any other kind of skin condition, you can always visit Laura Skin Care in Petaluma, CA. Laura is a licensed esthetician who has worked with many people, all with different skin types. Because of her own skin sensitivity issues, she has dedicated herself to giving the best individual care to people. Call and schedule a visit with her for your individual pampering and rejuvenation today!