Summertime facials… When should you get them, and how should you time them around your other summer events?
Facials are an essential component of your skin care routine, but when you’re planning around your summer schedule, you’ll want to pay close attention to when you get a facial and when you next go swimming.
As it turns out, facials and pools may not the best mix. So should you get a facial before or after you swim? Or should facials and pools simply not occupy the same season?
Before you swim.
Actually, long before you swim. Facials work wonders for facial skin by opening pores to cleanse them and deliver nutrients and moisturization. However, because of this pore opening action, it’s best to avoid things that are going to irritate your face overmuch during the days that follow your facial.
Pools, and the chlorine that they’re filled with, most definitely fall into this category. So if you’ve recently had a facial, it’s really best to wait at least two days before swimming to give your skin the best chance at recovery.
After you swim.
For similar reasons to avoiding swimming right after a facial, you’ll also want to avoid a facial directly after swimming.
Swimming is harsh on your skin, especially when you are exposed to pool chemicals. Once you’ve gone for a swim, you want to give your skin a little time to recover, rather than slathering it in pore opening facial creme.
After you swim, it’s best to treat your skin with rejuvenating moisturizers that put back some of the moisture that harsh pool chemicals can deplete. Then give your face a rest for a few days before getting a facial done.
If you’re an avid swimmer with an aggressive pool schedule, it may be best to avoid facials altogether to protect your facial pores. While there are certainly benefits to getting regular facials, these benefits are mostly undone when you spend a lot of time in a chlorinated pool.
To treat your skin, make sure that you moisturize on a regular basis, especially after pool time. Use a gentle facial cleanser when you wash your face and avoid scrubbing too hard, especially after you swim.