What Organic Products Can Do for Your Skin
These days, the term “organic” is used a lot when talking about skincare products.
Don’t be misled by labels and claims. While some skincare products claim to be “natural” or “non-toxic,” they aren’t organic.
Find out what organic really means and what organic products can do for your skin.
Organic Defined
According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), for a skincare product to be labeled with an organic seal, it must contain at least 95% organic ingredients.
Organic ingredients are defined as those organically farm-grown, adhering to agricultural practices promoting:
- Ecological balance (biodiversity)
- Maintenance of soil, air and water quality
- Elimination of synthetic substances or chemicals, including fertilizers or pesticides
Organic products must also promote sustainability and resource cycling.
Organic products not only use environmentally friendly farming processes but natural ingredients which may include resins, essential oils and especially plant-based derivatives like plant oils or extracts (e.g., aloe).
Vague product labels such as “all natural,” “non-toxic,” or “clean” don’t guarantee that eco-friendly processes are used to create the products. There’s the possibility that the products were produced using chemical pesticides, petroleum-based fertilizers, or non-sustainable packaging.
Other synthetic substances used in the production of skincare products may include:
- GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) such as antibiotics or growth hormones
- Sulfates
- Parabens
Organic ingredients eliminate the worry about toxic synthetics which may alter hormones and increase certain cancer risks. Always read product labels carefully.
Skincare Benefits of Organic Products
Organic products may not always out-perform chemically produced counterparts in the short-term, but they perform every bit as well and, in most cases, are far less harsh on your skin for long-term results.
Organic Skincare Benefits:
Unless allergic to a specific ingredient, organic products produce less skin irritations such as rashes, breakouts, inflammation, and other skin irritations.
Organic products are free from toxic chemicals and also contain crazy high levels of antioxidants and vitamins.
Skin loving vitamins such as A, C and E are known to heal and restore skin to reduce scarring, balance an uneven skin tone, clear blemishes, and calm inflammation.
Healthier Ingredients
Since organic products must contain 95% active ingredients, they give you more active ingredients powerfully working to refresh your skin.
Feeding skin antioxidant-rich nutrients such as sweet almond oil, aloe and honey naturally soothe and nourish for the long haul.
The effects of organic products over time give you smoother, clearer, firmer, and hydrated skin.
Exfoliating with organic products or treating yourself to a professional facial strips away the dead skin cells at the surface level allowing organic serums and creams the ability to penetrate into deeper layers of the skin.
More Benefits of Choosing Organic Skincare
U.S. Government Regulated
Regulated by the USDA and Federal Drug Administration (FDA) when the product makes claims to reduce lines, wrinkles or increase collagen production. Manufacturers of organic products must adhere to government regulations for labeling and product claims.
Supports Biodiversity
Biodiversity is important because it considers the health and well-being of all living organisms on the planet. This includes everything from soil bacteria to animals and plants. Every effort is made for minimal disruption to the delicate balance of the eco-cycle.
Packaging made from eco-friendly materials breaks down and doesn’t accumulate in landfills or produce excessive waste.
Cruelty free
Discourages product testing on animals.
Wrap Up
When it comes to skincare, it’s important to do your research in order to make smart, healthy choices for both you and the environment.
When looking for high quality organic skincare sourced and administered by professionals, look no further than Laura Skincare. Let our experts answer your questions about the organic products we use to give you the best, healthiest skin possible.