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What to Look For In Sunscreen

As spring arrives, it’s vital to replensih your sunscreen. As the days turn longer and the sunrays become stronger, it’s important to apply this lotion as much as possible.

Sunscreen is specifically designed to block harmful UV rays by reflecting them away from your skin. However, with the massive amounts available, how do you know which is best? This post will explore a few things you’ll want to look for in sunscreen.

5 Things to Look For In Sunscreen

Its SPF: One of the most important things to check is the sunscreen’s Sun Protection Factor (SPF). This indicates how well the lotion will protect your skin from UVB rays. The higher the number, the better the sunscreen.

Ideally, don’t use sunscreen that has an SPF less than 30. A high SPF will block around 97% of harmful rays and will protect your skin much better than a lower SPF can.

If There Are Broad-Spectrum Ingredients: You’ll also want to check the lotion’s broad-spectrum ingredients. Some include:

  • Benzophenones
  • Zinc oxide
  • Titanium dioxide

Rather than just guard you against UVB rays, broad-spectrum ingredients will also defend your skin from UVA rays. These are what cause premature aging.

If It’s Waterproof: Many people neglect to buy waterproof sunscreen because they believe it’s only for those who intend to swim. This isn’t the case. Waterproof sunscreen is built for any type of water, including sweat. While they don’t last as long as other types (usually about 40 minutes), they let you enjoy being outdoors safely for this time frame.

Its Antioxidants: Sunscreen antioxidants are yet another good thing to look for. One of the most important is vitamin E. This not only protects your skin from dangerous sun rays but moisturizes it. It could also heal current instances of sun damage.

If It’s Safe for Sensitive Skin: Many times, sunscreen can make one’s skin itch because of certain ingredients in it, like oxybenzone. This can cause an uncomfortable sensation that can inflame your skin and make it harder for the sunscreen to work. If you have delicate skin, make sure that the sunscreen can safely be applied to it. Otherwise, it might end up causing more harm than good.

Sunscreen is one of the most important parts of any skincare routine. If you have questions about using it or would like to find a safe treatment to fix sun-damaged skin, Laura Skin Care can help. We’ll be happy to guide you to the best sunscreens to use as well as coming up with a personalized routine to restore your skin, such as with soothing facials.


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