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Are Carbohydrates Making You Look Old?

Aging With GraceWe all know that too much of anything is bad. But, when it comes to the skin, there are some things you may have not considered.  As a woman starts to add some years to her life, she will wake up one day and realize that gravity started to take its toll. Looking in the mirror starts to become a little disheartening. The pink glow that she once had is now gone and the skin on the face does not have the volume that it one had. There are many reasons we begin to show signs of aging: lifestyle, sun exposure, and bad food. Believe it or not, but the amount of excess Carbohydrates that you eat is actually speeding the aging process along.

Simple Carbohydrate such as bread, potatoes, sugar, especially anything white and refined, are destroying the protein fibers in your skin. Proteins, Collagen and Elastin, are what hold the muscle and skin together. Carbohydrates leave a sticky substance that attaches to protein fibers, and cause them to weaken and eventually break. When these protein fibers begin to break, the result is saggy, old looking skin. This is commonly called Glycation.

Glycation is, also, visible on the skin noted by dry, dull, almost grey looking appearance. Despite the loss of volume, there is no pinkish glow which is found in youthful skin. The rate of metabolism slows and the body can no longer turn over the skin cells that contribute to that once youthful glow that we all seek. The worse part about Glycation, it will prevent any product that you may use on your skin from actually penetrating into the skins surface. Chemical Peels and Microdermabrasion are the most safe and effective way to remove this layer of cellular garbage. Proper washing of the skin helps tremendously, as well.

Changing the way you wash your face and being mindful about the foods that you consume is a way to begin combating the first signs of aging: it is never too late to start. Start by cooking your meats, slowly, and avoiding over cooked meat, as well. Supplements such as Vitamin C and E protect the protein and increase the turn- over of new skin cells. Substitute whole grains in bread and rice and eat as much fresh fruit and vegetables. You will see a definite improvement in your skin tone and texture with in a two week time frame. A lifetime of bad habits take some time to repair so be patient: your mirror will thank you!

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