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Best Foods for Your Skin

Everyone wants clear skin. People want to look and feel good about themselves. It’s a little hard to feel good about yourself when your face is dotted with blemishes. It will help you to know that what you eat can have a huge impact on your skin. Junk food can cause your skin to break out and certain foods can help to heal your skin. Also, some foods are really good for you to a certain point, but if you eat too much of them they can have a negative impact on your epidermis. So, to boost your overall health as well as your skin’s health, here is a short list of the best food to improve your health.

Best Foods For Your Skin

1. Chocolate

Good news, chocolate lovers! Chocolate contains high levels of antioxidants known as flavanols and cocoa hydrates and firms your skin. Of course, you don’t want to get so excited that you forget the adage all things in moderation. Make sure that your chocolate bar has a higher cocoa content than sugar. 60% or higher is best.

2. Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt is particularly beneficial for a few reasons. One of those is that it has far more protein and far less sugar than average yogurt. Also, the particular protein that is in Greek yogurt helps skin to remain firm and helps to prevent wrinkles.

3. Squash

Squash is a great veggie for your skin because it contains carotenoids, which are powerful antioxidants. These antioxidants will work to fight against skin cell damage, so squash helps to improve skin tone and give you a luminous glow.

4. Walnuts

Walnuts are an unknown superfood when it comes to skin health, because they have omega-3 fatty acids which help to improve your skin’s elasticity. They also contain copper, which, surprisingly helps to boost collagen production, which also helps to improve your skin’s smoothness and elasticity.

5. Peppers

Green and yellow peppers have carotenoids in them as well which help to fight skin damage. Peppers help to increase the firmness of your skin, and help to reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

6. Fish

Fish are an excellent source of protein as well as omega-3 fatty acids. These omega-3s will help to fight inflammation and help to preserve your collagen which helps to keep your skin firmer.

7. Kidney Beans

Believe it or not, kidney beans can really work wonders for your acne riddled skin. Kidney beans are great for your skin because they have high levels of zinc. Zinc has been linked to helping lower acne, while conversely, if you have been having breakouts lately, you could have unusually low levels of zinc in your diet.

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