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Can I Wear Contacts With Eyelash Extensions?

Eyelash Extensions are a great way to enhance your eyes. But, if you wear contacts, they could cause some trouble. This post will explore whether it’s safe to wear contact with extensions. You’ll also find a few maintenance tips to keep in mind.

Are Contacts Safe to Wear with Eyelash Extensions?

Contacts are generally safe to use with eyelash extensions. However, if you don’t maintain your extensions, they can cause debris to fall into your eyes. This could end up irritating your contacts.
But, in some cases, certain contacts might not be suitable to use with eyelash extensions. It’s best to talk with your ophthalmologist before getting them applied. They can determine if it’s safe or not.

Can I Wear Contacts When Getting Extensions?

It’s best to remove your contacts before you get extensions. Because your esthetician will be working around this delicate area, it could cause sensitivity. This might end up making your eyes turn red or even cause your contacts to shift.

Overall, it’s probably best to not wear contacts when you get extensions. But, you can put them in once the procedure is done.

Caring For Eyelash Extensions

To ensure your eyelash extensions don’t irritate your contacts here are a few tips to remember.

Don’t Pull on Them: It can be easy to tug at or touch your extensions, but it’s vital not to do this. Not only with this result in your extensions getting damaged, but it could move your contacts. This slight motion could result in you accidentally hurting your eye.

Be Diligent at Cleaning Them: One of the most crucial things is to always clean your extensions. This will make sure that dirt and other debris aren’t clinging to them. By doing so, it will prevent particles from injuring your eyes.

To clean your eyelash extensions, you’ll want to:

  • Use an oil-free makeup remover
  • Splash lukewarm water over them
  • Apply a special extension foaming cleanser

Wear Goggles When Showering: You might want to invest in shower goggles. These will keep water out of your eyes which can prevent any particles on your extensions from sneaking into them.

Contacts and eyelash extensions can work together if cared for properly. By keeping these tips in mind, you can easily ensure that there aren’t any problems.
If you’re interested in having eyelash extensions done, stop by Laura Skin Care. Our experts can safely install extensions and will be happy to answer any questions you might have about them.

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