Showering With Eyelash Extensions
Eyelash extensions provide a unique opportunity to look amazing with less effort. Where else can you get that? Nowhere. It’s so amazing it’s hard to believe it’s not magic. But what about daily care? Should be concerned about showering and washing your face? Could you wash them off?
Lash extensions are professionally applied with the highest-grade bonding agents, so they are pretty secure. That being said, you don’t want to put undue pressure on them or weaken the integrity of the bond.
Here are some tips to protect your eyelash extensions against shower threats:
Shower and Slather with Care.
Any rich, emollient based shampoo, conditioner or body butter can affect your lash extensions. When you wash your hair be sure to tip your head up to minimize the product that runs over your eyes and lashes. When you moisturize, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly before touching your lashes.
Dry carefully.
After you get out of the water, resist rubbing your eyes or scrubbing at them with a towel. Instead, gently pat dry and allow your lashes to dry fully and then comb out gently if needed. If you’re in a hurry, a hairdryer set on low held at arm’s length from your face can help speed up the process.
Eyelash extensions are meant to last about 2 months and applied with a highly-effective glue. Some care tips can help prevent mishaps that may occur during showers though. Follow them and you should have a worry-free eyelash extension experience.