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The Psychological Benefits of Skin Care

There have been numerous articles written on the benefits of a good skincare routine. Most of these focus on the benefits of having a perfectly hydrated dermis, or what the benefits are for the rest of your day for having a morning routine. Much of the information that’s published is focused on individual products.

There has also been quite a bit of industry-funded research that attempts to show, scientifically, that those individual skin care products do in fact work. Much of this is just overhyped paid advertising spots disguised as academic insight. There is an interesting way to think about skincare from psychology though.

One line of thinking focuses on the psychology of a skincare routine as part of the identity of a person. Like any other ritual a person might be involved in, a skincare routine has benefits far above and beyond those that are tangible, like reduced depth and frequency of wrinkles. Instead, intangible benefits include the warm and fuzzy feeling a person gets from feeling their best. There is something to be said about the benefits something gives us in the form of self-image and confidence.

In this context, a skincare routine has value and benefits by virtue of its very existence. Ancient Greek philosophers argued that those things providing us happiness are also those things worthy of pursuit. If those things that bring us happiness in this sense are good things worthy of pursuit, a skincare routine is easy to validate and justify, morally speaking. At least from the perspective of Greek philosophy.

But the broader message here isn’t that an appointment with Laura Skin Care will have psychological or philosophical value above and beyond the personal care and attention (of course they do), but that as people we all can find value in things that make us feel better about ourselves. From this perspective, a skincare routine has an obvious and clear psychological benefit: it provides a level of confidence we wouldn’t have otherwise.

Ultimately this is just a long-winded way to say that it’s important for us all to take some time for self-care. We like to look at our work as helping people take time for self-care. Donate to your psychological well-being today and schedule a visit with Laura Skin Care at 707-295-8905.

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