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Four Types of Eyelash Extensions

Eyelash extensions are sought after by many because they do an impressive job at enhancing your eyes. But, with the vast choices available, it can be difficult to figure out which is best for your needs. Below you’ll discover four of the most common eyelash extension options and how you can tell which is right for you.

4 Types of Eyelash Extensions

Classic: This choice is best for those who want their eyelashes to look somewhat natural, but just slightly thicker. They’re gently attached to your natural eyelashes as a way to fluff them up a bit.

Hybrid: Hybrid extensions combine classic and volume ones. This gives them a thick yet long appearance.

Volume: This is one of the thickest types and uses multiple layers to achieve its unique look. Because of its layering, you can customize how the lashes appear. For instance, if you prefer more volume toward one end of your eye, you can layer and trim them according to your wishes.

Extra Volume: If you want thick eyelashes, this option is what you’ll need. While they won’t be as long as classic ones they’ll be extremely thick.

How Long Do Extensions Last?

In most cases, eyelash extensions will last about one month. But, for thicker options, like volume or extra volume, they’ll last about three to four weeks.

Eyelash Extension Care

  • While durable, extensions do need to be cared for. Here are some tips to keep in mind.
  • Never touch them. This could cause them to shift or even allow small debris from your fingers to cling to them.
  • Watch them around the water. If you need to shower, consider wearing goggles.
  • Avoid mascara. It can end up making the lashes clump together.
  • Be sure to clean them. While you’ll need to be gentle when doing so, scrubbing a small amount of eyelash extension cleaner on them will help them last much longer. It will also improve their looks.
  • Consider sleeping on a silk pillow. This material can prevent friction which would otherwise damage your extensions.

Eyelash extensions are a useful way to intensify your eyes. But, it’s important to choose the right one. Otherwise, it might not match your style. By keeping these tips in mind, you can easily figure out the best one for your needs.

If you’re interested in learning more about eyelash extensions or would like to have some applied, stop by Laura Skin Care in Petaluma, CA. Our team will be happy to assist you and guide you toward the best solution for your eyes.

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