7 Tips To Keep Skin Glowing During Dry Months
Winter-time in Petaluma, California means it’s time for some adjustments in your skin-care routines. What many don’t realize is that while winter temperatures are more forgiving than summer temps, the drop in humidity is not! Here are 7 tips to keep your skin happy and healthy this dry winter season.
Choose a Good Moisturizer
Choosing the right moisturizer for your skin type is key to a smooth and healthy experience. When looking at different moisturizers, focus on the ingredients. We recommend using a moisturizer that is natural, oil based and does not contain petroleum as an ingredient. This will help in replenishing the natural oils back into your skin.
Prevent moisture from escaping with cotton-based clothing
Lathering up with the perfect moisturizer or cream is great for your skin, but if you’re finding yourself re-applying throughout the day then you may be experiencing moisture wicking due to the cool, dry winter air. To help prevent this from happening, try wearing cotton based clothing during the cooler months of the year to help keep your skin hydrated and smooth.
Exfoliate as needed
Exfoliation is especially important in the dryer months of the year and is an important step in retaining your skins glow. Removal of dead cells will go a long way in helping your skin absorb and retain moisture from your chosen lotions and creams. How often you exfoliate is entirely up to the needs and sensitivity of your skin. A normal skin type can exfoliate two to three times per week, while those with more sensitive skin may be better off exfoliating only once per week.
Avoid the hot showers
When it’s cold outside it’s really tempting to take a long, hot shower. While this may feel nice at the moment, your skin won’t be happy. Hot showers actually remove a lot of the beneficial natural oils from your skin, which may leave you dry and itchy. To better retain your natural skin oils, lower your shower temperature to lukewarm.
Consider using a humidifier
If you use a heater at all you are guaranteed to drop the humidity in the air even more. To counter this, consider setting up a humidifier. Having a humidifier in your bedroom will help keep your skin moisturized while you sleep, and prevent additional drying out.
Stay hydrated
It may seem silly, but as temperatures drop you’re more likely to drink hot beverages. Who can resist flavored coffees and cocoa? However, it can also lead to dehydration. Which can be a contributing factor to dry skin. Be sure to balance your warm drinks with plenty of water. Hydration plays a key role in keeping your skin happy and healthy.
Moderate your junk food intake
In addition to staying hydrated, eating healthy food can make a huge difference to the look and feel of your skin. Fruits and veggies like cucumbers, tomatoes, apples, and oranges will ensure your body has enough vitamin C and zinc to continue production of collagen and elastin.
With these 7 simple tips, you will be able to avoid the discomfort of this dry season, leaving your skin smooth and soft all year round. Don’t forget to pamper yourself with a luxurious facial, or one of our many other rejuvenating services today!