What Stress Does To Your Skin
If you’ve noticed an increase in acne, irritation, and other skin problems, you’re probably thinking about how factors such as diet, hormonal imbalances and climate could be affecting you. However, many people fail to consider that stress can actually be one of the most likely causes of skin problems. Whenever you’re experiencing feelings of stress or anxiety, whether this is caused by problems with your work, social or personal life, your body responds in ways that can become noticeable over time.
How Stress Affects Your Skin
Stress affects your skin in multiple ways, starting with an increase in breakouts. They occur mainly on your face but also in other areas. When you’re stressed, your body begins to manufacture greater amounts of hormones such as cortisol, which triggers glands in the skin to produce more oil, which of course, leads to the development of acne.
Furthermore, stress can exacerbate pre-existing conditions such as psoriasis, rosacea, and eczema. This can be caused in part because people who are stressed are more likely to forget crucial parts of their daily skin care routine, which is necessary to maintain a healthy appearance. Furthermore, stress makes skin more sensitive, so you react more quickly and more severely to stimuli that may otherwise not affect you so much, such as certain foods or weather conditions. Hives, skin rashes, and fever blisters can also occur as a result of stress.
What You Can Do
In order to combat these negative effects, doctors recommend taking steps to handle stress by getting enough sleep, exercising, eating and drinking properly, and practicing stress management techniques. Another suggestion is to take care of your skin in a way you normally wouldn’t, such as by getting a facial. Facials are meant to scrub the dead skin cells off of your face and rejuvenate your appearance. Getting a facial done can help with skin problems caused by stress in two ways. First, it deals with the issue directly by treating the skin condition you are experiencing. Second, it addresses the underlying cause of the skin problem, which is the stress itself – by taking the time to do something relaxing, you are able to decompress and focus on enjoying yourself.