Nearly everyone has a scar of some kind. Some scars result from acne, others from childhood injuries, and some scars from are left behind from surgery. The appearance of scars can make you self-conscious – that’s why we often take great effort to reduce their appearance on our skin. Of course you can hide your scars with makeup or accessories like scarves, but there are some ways to reduce scars also. Here are eight ways to diminish the appearance of scars:
Prevention is the best remedy when it comes to scars. When you have an open wound, ensure it is clean and free of debris, that it is appropriately sealed, stitched and covered, and don’t pick at it. Picking a scab can open the wound again and may result in a scar you wouldn’t have had or a larger scar.
One of the most important staples of skin care is ensuring you protect it from sun exposure. Always cover your skin and scars with appropriate SPF sunscreen to avoid significant changes in pigment as your scar heals.
Use products and skin care methods that are gentle. Harsh chemicals can damage scars and other areas of your skin.
Adding cold, natural oils like lavender, olive, coconut and almond regularly can help to fade scars over time. Frequent application of shea butter can also help to reduce scarring. Apply the moisturizing remedy of your choice three times daily.
Exfoliants like a paste of baking soda and water can be used as a mask to limit scarring. Apply the mixture several times per week.
Use aloe vera for 30 minutes as a mask to act as a bleaching agent to reduce the appearance of scarring a few times per week. Applying lemon juice twice per day is another option to help with lightening scars – though it is not recommended for sensitive skin.
Ensure that your diet is rich in nutrients or supplemented with vitamins. Vitamins A, B-2 and C are helpful to reduce blemishes and prevent scars.
Above all, patience is key. Healing take times, as do efforts to reduce scarring. Other than wound treatment, make sure you wait until your injury is completely healed before applying any scar reducing remedies.
Need help with reducing scars? Contact us to speak with an experienced skin care professional.